"Longing" - Original Oil Painting


"Longing" - Original Oil Painting


“Longing” - original oil painting from the 10-piece Human Nature series. Original collection by Adrianne Tamar Arachne.
30”x40” wood panel.

by Adrianne Tamar Arachne

Maybe it’ll never come.

If only I could accept that.

But it seems 

I was born 

With a special affliction

Of burning, burning, burning 

With a desire 

For the shape of something 

That I am shaped for 

Yet may not exist 

To meet me. 

I would stop it if I could 

Turn it off if I was able 

But it burns 

At my core 

As if, without it 

My life would cease entirely.

Maybe this is what it is 

To live life alive 

In longing-shaped flames 

Never relieved, never cooled, never met. 

For how long?

Is there a point where the flames burn themselves out?

Can a person die from longing?

I suppose if so,

I was a person who was made

To find out.

Poem and Painting shipped together.

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